This is me
Chloe is a pilot of parachutes and powered aircraft with her head stuck in the clouds. She loves to dream big, make those dreams a reality, and help others do the same. She’s a single mother and female aviator, making her a part of a very small community. She takes pride in encouraging other women to pursue skydiving and aerobatic aviation, typically male dominated sports.
She was introduced to the sky at age 12 on an intro flight in a cessna 172 in French Valley, California. She was hooked. She started pursuing her private pilots license and skydiving in her 20s. She also enjoys aerobatic flight in single engine aircraft. Should an issue come up while flying aerobatics she’s grateful for her skydiving experience as most aerobatic pilots who wear safety chutes haven’t had the chance to use a parachute. Both skydiving and aviation have become family pursuits. Her parents and all of her 5 siblings have jumped with half of her family now being licensed. Her daughter can’t jump until she’s 18 but they do enjoy going to the indoor skydiving tunnel together. They often spend time at the DZ when everyone is home for the holidays. Chloe loves sharing these sports with her family and friends. Anyone willing to do a jump is an instant friend and part of the community.
Chloe is a member of the 99s (women’s pilot organization), and helped start SkyTribe (a skydiving nonprofit for combat veterans).
Chloe Started shooting professionally at age 17 as a photojournalist for a local news site and quickly moved on to shooting weddings full time. She is a hybrid photographer (35mm film and digital). She no longer takes on clients but does offer prints.

Might as well dream big
Making dreams a reality & capturing them along the way
My friends and family would describe me as a dreamer. I've always got big ideas and I'm all about trying new things and pushing others to do the same. What is the point of life if not to experience new and amazing things on a regular basis? Let's dream big and make those dreams happen! The world is a better place when we are all doing things we love.